Casting and rejection

Well, we’re almost done casting Gargoyle Garden for the August run. We’ve cast every role except “Annabel”, and we’ve narrowed that down to two wonderful little girls. Either one of them will do quite nicely. We’re simply working through our pros and cons at this point.

But, let me say this: I hate casting. I especially hate casting KIDS. They try so hard at the auditions, and they perform their hearts out. Some are more seasoned and talented than others of course, but they all come to the process without the thick layer of emotional protection that comes from years of auditions as an adult. Yesterday, I sent out about 25 emails “rejecting” kids for the production. That was an awful, thankless task. I didn’t like it at all. We even got some replies back from parents and kids thanking us for the opportunity, and letting us know how much fun they had, etc… That made me feel even worse. Blech.

Since we have only about 1 1/2 weeks until the first rehearsal, we need to make our final decision–fast! Once we do that, I’ll post the entire cast list here. I’ll also continue to blog about getting the show up and running. So check back here occasionally for info regarding the show and for info about purchasing tickets.